Sarah Outen [download]

Sarah Outen [download]
Kayak from Russia to Japan & from England to France with young Brit Sarah Outen as part of her round the world journey by human power alone. This funny & dramatic feel-good documentary charts Sarah's battles with sickness, a damaged kayak, the Russian law & exhaustion as she attempts a series of long open water crossings.
£ 4,99




Simon Willis: "Sarah Outen seems to have the energy of a small nuclear reactor, infused with optimism and radiating joy waves. I wonder if I’d be as happy if I was paddling, pedaling and rowing my way around the world? The bubbling chemistry between these two women, and Sarah’s relentless optimism, makes this a highly entertaining film. Indeed, the cheerful way with which she greets each set-back almost diminishes the scale of each undertaking. For example, although Sarah is not a sea kayaker, she yet greets her first encounter with a tidal race with remarkable equanimity, especially considering it happens off a remote Russian headland. "That was quite nice when I got used to it". That is one cool lady, and a great character around which to build a film."

Tijdsduur 42 min.
Land Japan, Rusland, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Locatie Sachalin
Personen Sarah Outen
Uitgegeven 2013
Doelgroep Zeekajak
Onderwerp Expeditie, Persoon
Kwaliteit HD, 16:9 WS, 1280x720
Bestandstype MOV
Bestandsgrootte 1.5 GB
Ondertiteling Geen ondertiteling
Uitgegeven op DVD This is the Sea 5
Herkomst Verenigd Koninkrijk